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Alive After Reading

Jan 30, 2022

This week's guest is Rich Davis, author of the comic books Cult of Dracula and Rise of Dracula.

Apologies for the sounds of breathing. I'm working on the sound quality for next time.

This week's episode is brought with you, as ever, by your host's books! Science fiction and fantasy fans will love them.

Jan 23, 2022

This week's guest is Ron Lahr, author of humorous fantasy and science fiction!

This week's episode is brought with you, as ever, by your host's books! Science fiction and fantasy fans will love them.

You can also find your host's work on Kindle Vella! Ten stories are in...

Jan 16, 2022

This week's returning guest is Nicole Fanning, author of Catalyst, Ignite, and the forthcoming Flashpoint!

This week's episode is brought with you, as ever, by your host's books! Science fiction and fantasy fans will love them.

Thanks for...

Jan 9, 2022

This week's guest is a Fearless author and speaker, Lynda Sunshine West of

The show is sponsored by your host's books! Science fiction and fantasy fans will love them. Now, all 99 cents or less!

And by the Vella Serials:

Jan 2, 2022

This week's guest for the first episode of 2022 is a good friend of your host, and returning guest of the show.

Please welcome, Reinhardt Suarez, fresh from his sojourn writing for Wizards of the Coast.

This week's episode is brought with you, as ever, by your host's books! Science fiction and fantasy fans will love...